Trey Conner

  • Current Age Group: 30-34
  • Team you are a part of: Stray Cats
  • When did you start competitively swimming? 7th Grade
  • How long have you been in Michigan Masters? I have been in Michigan Masters on and off for about 9 years now.
  • What is your favorite swim event/race? 50 Fly
  • So far, what was your favorite Masters Swim Meet? My favorite Masters Swim Meet was the 2024 Spring nationals meet. My favorite meet memory was the 2024 State meet at Wayne State. It came down to the last event of the weekend which was the 100 I.M. Kevin Doak and I hit the wall at the same time after the first 25 and were underwater dolphin kicking on our sides facing one another. When I saw Kevin underwater I threw him a head nod and he threw me one back. After we finished we were both laughing!
  • What is your favorite set? 12×25 @:35 (3-breaths, 2-breaths, 1-breath, NO breath) It’s my favorite warm down.
  • What is something you need to improve or constantly working on in the pool? Something I need to prove on in the pool is my breakouts. Something I constantly work on is my underwaters.
  • What are your big swim goal(s)? My big swim goals are to take down the 30-34 age group records in my events before I age up. My other big goal is becoming National Champion in my events (50/100 Fly, 50/100 Free)
  • Favorite swim Olympian? Caeleb Dressel
  • What do you like to do outside the pool? Outside of the pool I enjoy traveling with my family and building Legos.