Denise Brown

  • Current age group: 65-69
  • Team you are a part of: I l strive for inclusivity.  I like all the teams and everyone in Michigan Masters and so I claim all of them.
  • When did you start competitively swimming: I started swimming competitively at the age of 8 at the Needham YMCA.  I had taken all the swimming lessons they offered up to Jr. Lifesaving which you had to be 11 to take.  They only other swimming offered was the Swim Team so I joined.
  • How long have I been in Michigan Masters:  I moved to Ohio in 1999 and started swimming in Masters meets out here.  The Michigan crew always invited me to come and sit with them-always so friendly and supportive.  One year Ohio Masters canceled their State Meet and I called Fred at Holland and he took my entry over the phone since the deadline had already past and invited me to swim in the Michigan State Meet.  I feel as I have been part of you for 26 years!!
  • What is my favorite swim event/race:  My favorite event is the 400 IM, but my best event is the 25K open water.  I swim the longer events- 1650/1500, 100/800 free, and have recently taken on the 200 backstroke.  I enjoy the uncertainty and challenge of open water racing.
  • So far, what is my favorite Masters Meet: There are so many with so many memories.  Whether traveling to Nationals or Worlds and discovering new places and meeting new people or swimming locally and looking forward to meeting up with friends, it’s all fun and exciting.  I love the competition but even more, I like meeting new people and seeing those I have known.  I will always remember the Milford Meltdown meet where I teamed up with others and by the end of the meet had 3 world record relays.
  • What is my favorite set?:   I have several that are my “go to” sets:
    –  3X900 descend the 300’s down and across.
    –  10X400 IM descend 1-5, 4-10
    –  800 free: (2X400 neg split, 4X200 build by 50’s, 8X100 odd race, even good technique
  • What is something I need to improve or constantly working on in the pool? Technique, technique, and more technique!!!  There is always something to improve on.  I am also working on kicking.  I do not kick much while I swim.  I kick okay with a kickboard and fins, but I have problems incorporating the kick in my swimming.  Anyone has any tips for this-please let me know!!
  • What are my big swim goals? I have a love/hate relationship with the 200 fly. I would like to be able to swim it without dreading it.  I love the to train and to compete and so my goal is stay healthy enough so I can continue to train, compete, see new places, meet new people, and stay connected to those I already know.
  • Who is my favorite swim Olympian? There are so many I have watched and learned from over the years.  Simone Manuel, Shirley Babashoff, Jeff Ferrell, Brian Goddell, Shane Gould, Janet Evans, Elizabeth Beisel, and the one who inspires me most-Jessica Long- Paralympian.
  • What do I like to do outside the pool? I love my work.  I am an ordained Lutheran Pastor, serving 2 facilities for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  I serve 2 small churches also. I am the head coach of the Napoleon High School boys and girls swimming and diving team. I coach the 8–10-year-olds in the Napoleon Aquatic Club. I like to cycle and compete in Aqua bike races (the first two legs of the triathlon).  Teva (the dog who owns me) expects me to play ball, take her to the river, and hand out treats as she sees fit!