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2025 Michigan Masters – State Championship Meet

April 11 - April 13



Friday-Sunday, April 11-13, 2025

USMS Sanctioned by the
Michigan LMSC,
Sanction #


Hosted by: Holland Aquatic Center and Michigan Lakeshore Aquatics

At the Holland Aquatic Center
550 Maple Avenue, Holland MI 49423


This meet is limited to the first 360 entrants.


MEET DIRECTORS:  Ian Townsend ian@hollandaquatic.org  and Norm VerMeulen norm@hollandaquatic.org


  • Location:  Holland Aquatic Center, 550 Maple Avenue, Holland Michigan, 49423. A premier 50 meter facility with 8 racing lanes. Continuous warm up/warm down lanes will be available with 11 lanes in the west end and 5 in the flex pool depending on programming. A large multi display screen that can show both event finishes and event placing simultaneously. Locker rooms are available at your own risk during the meet, however, not overnight. HAC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 
  • Pool: The length of the competition course is in compliance and on file with USMS in accordance with articles 105.1.7 and 106.2.1, but( as a bulkhead course, is subject to length confirmation. Eligibility of times for USMS Top 10 and records will be contingent on verification of bulkhead placement. The pool will be measured before and after each session. 
  • Timing: The primary timing system will be automatic timing with a state of the art Colorado timing system. Times from this competition will be eligible for world record, USMS record, and Top 10 consideration. Each session in addition will have 2 timers per lane. 
  • Misc: Parking is available and free. Food will be available with a Food Truck in the parking lot during the competition. We also hope to have a Social on Saturday evening. More information is coming. 


Competition Rules: United States Masters Swimming (USMS) rules and Michigan Local Masters Swimming Committee (MI-LMSC) policies will apply. The USMS rule book is available online at http://www.usms.org. The Michigan LMSC policies are located at http://www.michiganmasters.com under the “Information” tab.


The Michigan LMSC believes that athletes, coaches, officials, support staff and volunteers have the right to participate in a safe and inclusive sport environment that is free of abuse, harassment and discrimination.



Women’s Event # Men’s Event # SESSION #1 – FRIDAY AFTERNOON
Warm-up 1:00-1:50pm. Check in by 1:45 pm. Competition begins at 2:00 pm.
1A 1A 1650 yard freestyle. 4 Heats only. (32 swimmers). Fast to slow
2 2 400 yard IM. Fast to Slow
Women’s Event # Men’s Event # SESSION #2 – FRIDAY NIGHT
Warm-up 4:00-4:50 pm. Check in by 4:00 pm. Competition begins at 5:00 pm.
1B 1B 1650 yard freestyle. (32 swimmers). Fast to slow
Women’s Event # Men’s Event # SESSION #3 – SATURDAY MORNING
Warm-up 7:30-7:55am. Check in by 7:45-7:55 am. Competition begins at 8:00 am.
3 3 500 yard freestyle. 10 heats only. (80 swimmers). Fast to slow
Women’s Event # Men’s Event # SESSION #4 – SATURDAY MORNING
Warm-up begins after the last heat of the 500 free. Approx. 10:00-10:25am.
Check in by 10:00-10:25am. Competition begins no earlier than 10:30am.
200 yard free relay entries & changes (event 10 & 11) are due before event 6 begins.
4 5 50 yard backstroke
6 7 200 yard breaststroke
8 9 100 yard butterfly
10 minute break
10 11 200 yard freestyle relay
LMSC annual meeting 20 minutes after Event #11
Women’s Event # Men’s Event # SESSION #5 – SATURDAY AFTERNOON

Warm-up 1:30-2:25 pm. Check in by 1:30-2:25pm. Competition begins at 2:30 pm.
200 yard mixed free relay entries & changes (event 22) are due before event 16 begins.

12 13 200 yard backstroke
14 15 50 yard breaststroke
16 17 200 yard freestyle
18 19 100 yard IM 
20 21 100 yard backstroke
10 minute break. Presentation of the Lifetime, Chetrick, and Lawrence Awards.
22 22 200 yard mixed freestyle relay
Women’s Event # Men’s Event # SESSION #6 – SUNDAY MORNING
Warm-up 7:30-7:55am. Check in 7:05-7:55am. Competition begins at 8:00 am.
23 23 1000 yard freestyle. 5 Heats only. (40 swimmers). Fast to slow
Warm-up begins after the last heat of the 1000 free.
Approx. 10:00-10:25am. Competition begins no earlier than 10:30am.
200 yard medley relay entries & changes (event 30 & 31) are due before event 26 begins.
24 25 200 yard butterfly
26 27 50 yard freestyle
28 29 100 yard breaststroke
10 minute break
30 31 200 yard medley relay
Women’s Event # Men’s Event # SESSION #7 – SUNDAY AFTERNOON – Begins one hour after the end of Session #6.
Estimated warm-up 1:00-1:25pm. Estimated competition begins at 1:30pm.
200 yard mixed free relay entries & changes (event 38) are due before event 34 begins.
32 33 200 yard IM
34 35 100 yard freestyle
36 37 50 yard butterfly
10 minute break
38 38 200 yard mixed medley relay
Presentation of age-group high point, and team awards will be presented approximately 15 minutes after Event #38.


Entry Methods and Entry Deadlines: This meet utilizes an online entry system only.

  • Online entries: Go to http://www.MichiganMasters.com to enter the meet. The online entry deadline is the end of the day (9:00 pm) on Sunday, March 31, 2025, and limited to the first 360 entrants.
  • Relay entries: Relay entries must be submitted by the designated team representative, not individual swimmers. Refer to the “Entry Procedures” described below. 

Eligibility:  Swimmers must have a current 2025 USMS membership as of the entry deadline to be eligible to compete in this meet. One-day event registrations (USMS rule 201.1.3) are not valid given that this is a 3-day meet with multiple events. Swimmers must agree to the USMS “Participant Waiver and Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement.”

Workout Group Representation: When you register with USMS, you will designate your club (Michigan Masters (MICH). Each member of the Michigan Masters Club (and only the Michigan Masters Club) can also select which Workout Group or State Meet Team they would like to swim with for the annual Michigan State Meet Championship. You do not have to designate a Workout Group or State Meet Team to participate at the State Meet Championship (unattached); however, to swim in a Relay, you must be MI-LMSC and have designated a Workout Group or State Meet Team.

Age Determination Date:

  • Age on April 13, 2025 (last day of the meet) determines a swimmer’s age for the entire meet.

Event Limits:

  • Swimmers may enter a maximum of 7 individual events for the entire meet (does not include relay events), with a daily maximum of 6 individual events. If more than seven individual events are listed on the entry form, only the first seven entries will be accepted. 

Entry Fees:  

  • Individual entry fee – $110 limited to the first 360 entrants
  • Pre-entered relay event entry fee – $20 per relay. Must be emailed to meet host Norm VerMeulen norm@hollandaquatic.org by Wednesday, April 9th, @ 12:00 noon.
    (See complete submission instructions in “Relays” section below)
  • Deck entered relays (at the meet) $24 per relay.
    (See complete submission instructions in “Relays” section below)

Refund Policy: By registering for this swim meet, you have purchased a “ticket”. As with a ticket to any sports or entertainment event, there are no refunds or credits if you are unable to attend.

Entry Procedures:

  • Individual Events: Choose a maximum of individual 7 events (does not include relay events). Enter your best short course yards (SCY) times on the line labeled “entry seed time.” You may enter an estimated time or “no time” if you do not have a best time to report. “No time” entries will be assigned to the slowest heats. You will use the format of 00:00.00


  • Distance Events: The 400y IM will be offered once during the meet on Friday afternoon, April 11th. The 1650 Free will be offered only on Friday. There will be an Afternoon 1650, and an Evening 1650. The 1650 sessions are limited to 4 heats (32 swimmers) both the 2pm and the 5pm sessions. The 500 free is limited to 80 swimmers and the 1000 free is limited to 40 swimmers. All distance events require a positive check-in. Refer to the check-in, seeding, and heat sheet procedures described earlier in this meet announcement for more information. 
  • Relays: Designate one team representative to enter relays for the entire team.
    • Pre-entered relays. The team representative (only) should email pre-entered relays by Wednesday, April 9th @ 12:00 noon, to meet host Norm VerMeulen norm@hollandaquatic.org by Wednesday, April 9th, @ 12:00 noon. The team representative should pay relay entry fees during general check-in on Friday from 1:00-2:00pm, or on Saturday or Sunday from 7:00-8:00 am.

      For each relay, please include:  

      • The relay event and event number
      • Swimmers’ names (as they appear on USMS membership cards) in the order of relay swim, each swimmer’s age (each swimmer’s age on April 13, 2025) and gender.
      • Age group for the relay team. The relay age group is determined by the age of the youngest swimmer on the relay team.
      • Approximate seed time.
      • Mixed relays must consist of 2 men, and 2 women.
      • Relay names, swim order and age groups may be changed up to the deadlines listed in the meet event schedule. Please use a YELLOW relay change form (available in the pool office). 
    • Deck-entered relays – at the meet. Bright green relay cards will be available in the pool office during the meet. To deck enter a relay, the green relay card MUST BE USED. To enter the relay, the team representative should submit the completed green relay card to the meet host Norm VerMeulen. The team representative should pay relay entry fees during general check-in on Friday from 1:00-2:00pm, or on Saturday or Sunday from 7:00-8:00 am.

      The green relay cards must include:

      • The relay event and event number
      • Swimmers’ names (as they appear on USMS membership cards) in the order of relay swim, each swimmer’s age (each swimmer’s age on April 13, 2025) and gender.
      • Age group for the relay team. The relay age group is determined by the age of the youngest swimmer on the relay team.
      • Approximate seed time.
      • Mixed relays must consist of 2 men, and 2 women.
      • Relay names, swim order and age groups may be changed up to the deadlines listed in the meet event schedule. 



Age Groups:  Age on April 13 (last day of the meet) determines a swimmer’s age for the entire meet. Individual event age groups: 18-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74 … 5-year increments as high as necessary.
Relay age groups: 18+, 25+, 35+, 45+, 55+, 65+, 75+, 85+ … 10-year increments as high as necessary. Age groups for relay events are determined by the age of the youngest person on a relay team.

Warm-up/Cool-down: Swimmers must enter the water feet first in a cautious manner during all warm-ups/cool downs. Diving is permitted only in designated sprint lanes. NO EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED DURING WARM-UP OR COOL DOWN PER USMS REGULATIONS. Dive entries are only allowed during one way sprints in designated sprint lanes. 


  • General check-in. Every swimmer must report for general check-in upon arrival at the meet to verify entry status. 
  • Distance event check-in. Distance event check-in. Each swimmer who is entered in a distance event (400y IM, 500y freestyle, 1000y freestyle, 1650y freestyle) must report for a positive distance event check-in. Swimmers who do not verify their intention to compete before the check-in deadline will be scratched from that event. The Meet Director reserves the right to re-seed the distance events after check-in if subsequent scratches will allow consolidation of heats. The deadlines for distance event check-ins are provided in the “Schedule” section of this meet announcement.

Seeding: Seeding will be slow to fast for individual events of 200 yards or less and for relay events, with men and women only events seeded separately. Seeding will be fast to slow for distance events (400y IM, 500y free, 1000y free, 1650y free), with men and women seeded together. “No time” entries will be assigned to the slowest heats for all events.

Heat Sheets. Will be available on-line at: www.MichiganMasters.com, as a PDF. Participants can print out their own copy of the heat sheets if so desired. Heat sheets will show heat and lane assignments for all events that are 200 yards or less in distance. Heat sheets will be posted on the walls in the 50 meter pool area. Separate heat sheets for the distance events (400y IM, 500y free, 1000y free, and 1650y free) will be posted at the pool when distance-event check-in for that event is complete.

Scratches: For all events, the swimmer is responsible for reporting to the assigned heat and lane in a timely manner. Failure to appear by the time of the Referee’s short whistle commands will be considered a scratch; the swimmer will not be allowed to swim in another heat of the same event. 



  • Timing system: The primary timing system will be automatic timing. Times from this competition will be eligible for world record, USMS record and Top Ten consideration.
  • Swimmer responsibilities: Hit the timing pad firmly. Do not cut through lanes to reach the ladder until all swimmers have completed the event. During relays, remain clear of the timing pad area until the event is completed by all swimmers. Before distance free events (500y free, 1000y free, and 1650y free), make sure there is a counter at the end of your lane.  A lap counter might be provided, but you are encouraged to supply your own lap counter for your distance events.
  • Record attempt responsibilities: If going for a National or World Record, you will submit the USMS record form prior to the race. If this happens after a race, immediately alert the timing system operator and complete the record form. If going for a record, alert the Starter to request the required three manual back-up timers. 
  • Splits submitted and Split request forms: The lead off split for all relays will be submitted to USMS for top 10. If additional splits are requested, you must fill out a split request form prior to your event. Example of using a split request form: can’t swim the 200 free then request the split from your 500 free. Can’t swim the 50 fly then request the 50 fly split from your 200 IM or 100 Fly. These must be submitted prior to your swim and not after. Remember if requesting a backstroke split you must finish to the hand at your split distance. 

Scoring:  Individual events: 9-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 points. Relay events: 18-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 points.

Results: Event results will be posted at clearly marked locations announced at the meet and at the awards table. Results will also be available via Meet Mobile. Results will be published on the website (www.michiganmasters.com) following the meet.

Records:  A Michigan State Record may only be established by a swimmer registered through the Michigan LMSC. A Meet Championship Record may be established by any swimmer entered in the meet. National or World records require an official form to be completed by the athlete preferably prior to the event but if not, then immediately after. 

Protests: Per USMS Rule 102.14.3, “protests against judgment decisions of starters and stroke, turn, and relay takeoff judges can only be considered by the referee, and the referee’s decision shall be final.” Other protests (e.g., concerns about seeding, awards, final results, eligibility, scoring, or entries) must be submitted to the meet director or referee by the team representative in writing. According to Section 3 of the Michigan LMSC Policies and Procedures, such protests will be heard by the Championship Committee. 


1st, 2nd, 3rd – Individual Events State Championship Medals  

4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th – Individual Events State Championship Ribbons

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th – Relay Event  State Championship Ribbons  

High Point Award – Age Group Women and Men State Championship Plaque 

High Point Team – Large Team Division State Championship Trophy Plaque 

High Point Team – Small Team Division State Championship Trophy Plaque 

High Point Team – Large Team Women State Championship Trophy Plaque 

High Point Team – Small Team Women State Championship Trophy Plaque 

High Point Team – Large Team Men State Championship Trophy Plaque 

High Point Team – Small Team Men State Championship Trophy Plaque  


Presentation of Awards:

    • Pick up individual and relay event awards at the awards table during meet sessions. 
    • Presentation of age group high point awards and overall team high point awards in all categories will begin approximately 15 minutes after the completion of the last event, namely the 200 Mixed Medley Relay (event # 38). The large and small team divisions will be based upon the number of total entries for each team.
  • Please be prompt so award presentations are not delayed. Swimmers and team representatives are responsible to pick up any awards earned. Awards will not be mailed.


Annual Meeting: Starting 20 minutes after the end of session 4. All Michigan LMSC members are encouraged to attend the annual Michigan Local Masters Swimming Committee (LMSC) membership meeting held in the Multi-purpose room which is across the hall from the 50 facility during the lunch break on Saturday. Light lunch will be served for those who attend the meeting. This is the time to vote on officer elections on even years, state meet bids when applicable, issues affecting the USMS National Organization, the Michigan LMSC, your local team, and yourself. An agenda of the meeting will be available at check-in. 

Michigan Masters Annual Awards: Lifetime Achievement, Chetrick, and Lawrence Awards. The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated a lengthy record of swimming accomplishments, as well as many years of outstanding volunteer contributions that further the objectives of masters swimming in the State of Michigan. The Chetrick Award recognizes an individual who has exhibited outstanding service and commitment to the spirit of Michigan Masters Swimming on either the state or national level. The Lawrence Award is presented to a swimmer from the Michigan LMSC who has achieved outstanding performances in National competition during the past year, and across the person’s swimming career. Previous winners of these awards are noted under the “Awards” tab at http://www.michiganmasters.com.


April 11
April 13
Event Category:


Holland Aquatic Center
550 Maple Ave
Holland, 49423
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