Luke Griffioen

  • Current Age Group: Men 30-34
  • Team you are a part of: Stray Cats
  • When did you start competitively swimming? I started swimming when I was 14
  • How long have you been in Michigan Masters? 11 years, my first masters meet was the 2013 state meet
  • What is your favorite swim event/race? It’s currently a tie between the 100 fly and the 200 breast
  • So far, what was your favorite Masters Swim Meet? 2024 state meet at Wayne State University is easily #1. I swam really well and had so much fun with all my friends on deck!
  • What is your favorite set? pick any event from a 25 free all the way up to a 400 IM, and race it all out for time, trying to beat my previous best. I then swim 100-200 easy, pick another event and repeat until practice is over. I’ve trained like this every day since starting masters swimming.
  • What is something you need to improve or constantly working on in the pool? I need to start doing kick sets again, I lost a few close races this year because i didn’t quite have the legs coming home
  • What are your big swim goal(s)? I actually just hit my biggest 2 goals for masters swimming in the past year, one was to go a personal best time in my 30s, and the other was to be sub-minute in the 100 fly in my 30s. I think my main goal right now is to keep with it as life with kids gets busier.
  • Favorite swim Olympian? Caleb Dressel, he always looks like he’s having a lot of fun
  • What do you like to do outside the pool? going to the beach with my family, hiking, spending time with friends, building apps for Apple’s platforms, trolling Andrew McFee (fellow Stray Cats swimmer)