2018 Michigan Masters Team – USMS Spring Short Course Nationals


The Michigan Masters Team had 185 swimmers, 90 of which was their first USMS National Meet.  Our 2nd place effort was one of the best performances ever by the Michigan Masters Club. We look forward to the future for more fun and excitement at future USMS Nationals.  If you were in the team photo, and you don’t see your name listed (below), or if you were in attendance at the meet, but were not in the team photo, please send an email to jimjtg@icloud.com, so I can add your name.

Back row from left to right – Tim Szuba, Dan Szuba, Jennifer McClellan, Drew Fitzmorris, Jeff Mertz, Aaron Helander, Nick Christi, Kyle Christensen, Kurt Christensen, Luke Griffioen, Ayinde Mitchell, Robert Fort, Lindsay Richardson, Mike Cantrell, Lou Ann Dixon, Connie Cantrell, David Mange, Nathan Destree, James Daniels.

Next row from left to right – Larry Day, Jo Lynn Montgomery, Chuck Olson, Randy Parker, Jeff Bailey, Daniel Zacks, Chad Steed, Kevin Doak, Mark VanDerMey, Mike Dale, Matt Sherman, Dan Hood, Tuomas Kiviluoma, Patrick Michel, Jeff Mertz, Patricia Aschan, Tom Welsh, Richard Ten Hoor, Don Swalwell, Alicia Blondell, Mike Schuldinger, James Fortune, Clay Putnam, Colby Haan, Alek Bordyukov, Jim Pogue, Bill Palmer, Kathleen Burkhart, Fares Ksebati, Rebecca Kanner, Laura Yager, Sue Berger-Mann, Anne Kukula, Kurt Einhaus, Skip Thompson, Joe Aumiller, Ben Hendricks
Next row left to right – Dianne Johnson, Kathy Coffin-Sheard, Bonnie Karas-Foltz, Susan Harris, April Wyncott, Anna Nathan, Jen Wortman, Julie Pierce, Matt Wuchte, Julie Rogers, Emmanuelle Michel, Bob Doud, Susan Alt, Ann Franas, Barry Nathan, Laura Nathan, Bridgitte Zirger, Elizabeth Schmaltz, April Manu, Clisty Sturdy, Patrick Sturdy, Tom Melgar, Laura Gogola, Rachel Damroth, Amy Adamy, Martha Amis, Rita Gelman, Jim Izzi, Maria Veen, Pat Butler, Lyle Masimore, Paige Walters, Oliver Lecerf, Neil Cowan, Michael Allon, John Flynn, John Cassidy
Bottom Row from left to right – Steve McKenna, Carl Foltz, Jayson Field, Kim Riley, Sally Belson, Wendy Szymczak, Harriet Wall, Katherine Julian, Carol Schemanske, Cassie Cammann, Hannah Gabriel, Kathryn Calcutt, Peggy Bruin, Kris Goodrich, James Nitkiewicz, Angela Cheng, Susan Weir, Mike Phillips, Susan Grebe, Danielle Burstall, Mary Mueting, Marilyn Early, Stephanie Hein, Karen Scapini, Kurt Olzmann, Rachel Cush, Kathy Milliken, John Lubisco, Sarah Lindley, Danny Kim and Tom Schwartzenberger.